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The Portrayal of Women Athletes in Sports Media


                          Video Resources












This is a highlight reel of the daughter of Muhammad Ali. Her name is Laila Ali and she is considered one of the greatest athletes in womens sports history. I chose to include this video in my research to show as an example of how women can make incredible achievments in sports

I included this video in my sources because it provides very useful statistics on the ammount of coverage women get in sports media.

This is a useful video source becuase it provides valuable information concerning title 9. This was a major step for women receiving equality in sports.

The video includes interviews with everyday people concerning how they view male and female athletes. It reveals that even in the olympics, male athletes are more well konwn than female athletes.

This video is useful to my research because  it demonstrates how poorly womens sports are covered by the media. The video also includes interviews with female athletes regarding how they feel about thier representation in the media

This video is a textbook example of how the media states what sort of sports women should or should not play.

This video gives valuable information concerning title 9 and the rights women should have in sports. What is also included are facts that demonstrate how women are being treated unfairly by the media.

This video will be included in my research because it gives valuable insight as to how women are viewed and treated in athletics. Those interviewed are either coaches of female athletes or former athletes.

This video gives many examples of how the media prefers to portray women athletes as needing to be pretty and good looking rather than being skilled in thier sport

These 2 videos provides crucial evidence of how the media can so easily portray our views of women athletes

Requiem for a Tower - London Music Works

Reasons why women sport does not see as much media coverage.

How women athletes feel about coverage they receive compared to men.

Link to video about the facts about media coverage and womens sports.

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